Sunday, May 30, 2010

Just Me and The Kids

I've been back at Fort Bragg for a few weeks now and the only other person I know on post has been out of town for all of it, and will be out of town for the next couple of months.  That means that there are actually zero people here that I know, that know me or that could help me out if I needed anything.  When I think of it in those terms it is actually amusing.  For example, I started wearing shorts this year.  For me, this is huge.  These gams haven't seen sunlight but for a few random occasions since I was a kid.  But guess what?  Go ahead and judge my fluorescent white legs - you don't even know me!  Ha!  It's very liberating to know that I'm absolutely not going to run into someone I know, under any circumstances.  There are a few other things though that can become a challenge that even I can't seem to find a solution to.  Things like this:

1.) Getting a haircut.  I love the girl that cuts my hair in Columbus so I know I'll just get it done next time I'm in town but damn.  I just need a trim and I can't imagine trying to do that with two toddlers in tow.

2.) A doctor or dentist appointment.  I can't even stomach the thought of trying to take the maniacs with me.  Let's hope I don't get sick before Gunnar gets home, in the meantime I'll just schedule all of my body maintenance for after August.

3.) Going out after 7pm.  Not that there's really a need for this but still, it's nice to know you can.  My kids crash hard and are pretty awful to be around after 7:30-ish

I'm sure there's tons of other things that we still do that I'm not sure everyone would try with two little kids.  I mean, when I'm in the mood for a tall, cold draft beer or some hot chicken wings, you can believe me and the kids are on a patio somewhere enjoying dinner.  They really are great company for the most part and we have a lot of fun together.

My next challenge is going to be how to take them to the beach myself.  I am nervous about how I'm going to actually corral the both of them at the ocean without one of them getting swept away or drown or something like that.  Oh yeah, and I need to actually find a beach to go to. 


  1. A big thank you to you and your husband for serving our country.

  2. Hi Elizabeth ,
    I want to thank your family for your service to our country , I really do appreciate all of your sacrifices.
    I'll be keeping Gunnar in my prayers for a safe arrival home.
    Stop by and say Hi sometime :0)

  3. I am so humbled that you would think to thank me and my family on a day like today.

    Thank you for your kind words and support.
    It means a lot to us.
